Sunday, May 27, 2007

Chris Hitchens: God Is Not Great!

Author and journalist Christopher Hitchens has, in his 58 years traveled, it seems about everywhere, and has amassed a thorough knowledge of the world today and its history. Of the writers who have recently published works assailing religion including Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion) and Sam Harris (The End of Faith,) Hitchens may be the most literary. Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and Harris has degreed in philosophy and is working toward a doctorate in neuroscience.

It is not easy to "peg" Hitchens into any particular hole as it were. While he is an avowed atheist he is not clearly a political liberal. He opposes the Bush administration's fundamentalist leanings but supports the US incursion into Iraq. Hitchens has elucidated his hatred for what he calls "fascism with an Islamic face" but harbours a visceral dislike of Bill Clinton owing to what Hitchens believes were a number of glaring failures during Clinton's tenure in the White House, not to mention character flaws in Clinton, the man.

In God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything Hitchens has put together an intelligent and methodical dismantling of religion.

He opens with the story of a childhood teacher, a Mrs. Jean Watts, who inadvertantly brought Hitchens' own belief to a crashing halt by first exalting nature as God's great creation saying "So you see, children, how powerful and generous God is. He has made all the trees and grass to be green, which is exactly the color that is most restful to our eyes." But then, much to young Hitchens' consternation she continues, "Imagine if instead, the vegetation was all purple, or orange, how awful that would be." At age nine, Christopher Hitchens knew that his teacher had "managed to get everything wrong in just two sentences. The eyes were adjusted to nature, not the other way around."

This seemingly minor event sent Hitchens onto a life long journey of revelation regarding all things religious. As he matured, he found many things regarding the existence and nature of God just didn't ring true.
He wondered "Why, if god was the creator of all things, were we supposed to "praise" him so incessantly for doing what came naturally? ... If Jesus could heal a blind person he happened to meet, then why not heal blindness? ... With all this continual prayer, why no result?

When Hitchens was thirteen, the headmaster of his school stated during a "no nonesense talk" with Hitchens and some fellow students "You may not see the point of all this faith now,...but you will one day, when you start to lose loved ones." At this Hitchens was indignant. "Why, that would be as much as saying that religion might not be true, but never mind that, since it can be relied upon for comfort. How contemptible."

At length Hitchens arrived at : "...four irreducible objections to religious faith: that it wholly misrepresents the origins of man and the cosmos, that because of this original error it manages to combine the maximum of servility with the maximum of solipsism, that it is both the result and the cause of dangerous sexual repression, and that it is ultimately grounded on wish-thinking."

From these assertions, Hitchens sets out to illucidate just how "religion poisons everything. "In Chapter 2 entitled 'Religion Kills,' he reminds us of the deadly history of religion, from monstrous biblical genocides to mass graves in Bosnia. He recounts religious inspired horrors from Belfast to Beirut, Belgrade to Bethlehem. And, oh yes, Baghdad. Hitchens chose to limit his illustrations to some of the "Bs." Obviously, he could have continued ad nauseam through the alphabet.

He sets off on this tour of religion's murderous past with a query: Why does [a belief in god] not make its adherents happy?" Why, indeed! He asserts that religion..."cannot be content with its own marvelous claims and sublime assurances. It must (Hitchen's italics) seek to interfere with the lives of nonbelievers, or heretics, or adherents of other faiths." This interference more often than not leads to catastrophic destruction and mass murder all in the name, and for the glory of a god.

Moving on, Hitchens touches on religion's ever and ongoing war with science and technology, and its resistance to change in general, the false claims of religious metaphysics, the ludicrous arguments for "intelligent design."

He takes on the Christian bible, first the Old Testament - filled with the rage of a jealous god and his murderous vengeance - a read not for the faint of heart, and then the New Testament which he characterizes as a mostly discordant and contradictory mish-mash of altered or non-history noting that virtually all of it was written well after the supposed life of Jesus.

The Koran, Hitchens describes as an even greater mish-mash of borrowed anecdotes and commentaries. Islam, Hitchens claims, "builds upon its primitive Jewish and Christian predecessors, selecting a chunk here and a shard there... a rather obvious and ill-arranged set of plagiarisms, helping itself from earlier books and traditions as occasion appeared to require." He goes on to say that Islam "makes immense claims for itself, invokes prostrate submission... as a maxim to its adherents, and demands deference and respect from nonbelievers into the bargain. There is nothing - absoulutely nothing - in its teachings that can even begin to justify such arrogance and presumption."

Eastern traditions do not escape Hitchens' scrutiny. Many would be surprised to hear of Hindu suicide bombers and militant Buddhist death squads in Sri Lanka.

He examines religion as a source of child abuse citing genital mutilitation in the form of male circumcision, the excision of female labia and clitoris, and sexual abuse of alter boys by Catholic priests.

Hitchens takes a look at failed secular societies, namely Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia. The focus here is how, in both cases, religion, per se, was replaced by nationalism, pointing out, though that in neither case was traditional religion completely eradicated. It is interesting as Hitchens notes that the first diplomatic accord made by Hitler after his rise to power in 1933 was a treaty with the Vatican.

Chapter 18, 'A Finer Tradition: The Resistance of the Rational' studies religious tradition's history of locking horns with rational thought from the likes of Socrates to Spinoza, David Hume to Thomas Paine, Immanuel Kant to Albert Einstein down to Lenny Bruce, Saul Bellow and Joseph Heller.

In conclusion, Hitchens calls for a "renewed enlightenment" to counter the dangerous and stultifying effects of religion; how acceptance of religious dogma deadens curiosity and thought, that to "choose dogma and faith over doubt and experiment is to throw out the ripening vintage and to reach greedily for the Kool-Aid."

He cites the dangers posed by religious radicals owing to their desire for ultimate conflagration, pointing out that Iran represents "a version of the Inquisition ... about to lay hands on a nuclear weapon," that we are nearing the "moment when apocalyptic nihilists coincide[d] with Armageddon weaponry." stressing how imperative it is to recognize the reality and nature of this threat and to counter it however possible.

"We have first to transcend our prehistory, and escape the gnarled hands which reach out to drag us back to the catacombs and the reeking alters and the guilty pleasures of subjection and abjection ... it has become necessary to know the enemy, and to prepare to fight it."


goliah said...

On the horizon appears an approaching religious [and scientific] furore so
contentious, any clash of civilizations may have to wait. On one side, a manuscript
titled: The Final Freedoms, against all the gravitas religious tradition can bring
to bear.

The first wholly new interpretation for 2000 years of the moral teachings of Jesus
the Christ is on the web. It focuses specifically on marriage and human sexuality,
overturning all natural law ethics and theory. At stake is the credibility of
several thousand years of religious history and moral theology.

What at first appears an utterly preposterous challenge to the religious status quo
rewards perseverance in closer examination, for it carries within its pages an idea
both subtle and sublime, what the theological history of religion either ignored,
were unable to imagine or dismissed as impossible. An error of presumption which
could now leave 'tradition' staring into the abyss and humble the heights of
scientific speculation.

If this material is confirmed and there appears to be both the means and a concerted
effort to authenticate it, the greatest unresolved questions of human existence may
finally have been untangled.

Published [at the moment] only on the web as a free [1.4meg] pdf download, this new
teaching has nothing whatsoever to do with any existing religious conception known
to history. It is unique in every respect.

It is the first ever viable religious conception leading faith to observable
consequences which can be tested and judged; a teaching able to demonstrate its own
efficacy; the first ever religious claim of knowledge that meets the criteria of
verifiable, evidence based scientific method; as such this teaching enters the
public domain as a reality entirely new to human history.

This is pure ethics. It requires no institutional framework, no churches, no priest
craft, no scholastic theological rational, no dogma or doctrine and 'worship'
requires only conviction, faith and the necessary measure of self discipline to
accomplish a new, single moral imperative and the integrity and fidelity to the new

Using a synthesis of scriptural material from the Old and New Testaments, the
Apocrypha , The Dead Sea Scrolls,The Nag Hammadi Library, and some of the worlds
great poetry, it describes and teaches a single moral LAW, a single moral principle
offering the promise of its own proof; one in which the reality of God responds to
an act of perfect faith with a direct, individual intervention into the natural
world; correcting human nature by a change in natural law, altering biology,
consciousness and human ethical perception.

This new interpretation identifies the moral foundation of all human thought and
conduct and the single Law finds expression within a new covenant of human spiritual
union, a new paradigm of marriage between one man and one woman; resolving the most
intractable questions and confusions of sexual indentity.

For those able to think for themselves and imagine outside the cultural box, who
are willing to learn something new, the beginnings of an intellectual and moral
revolution are unfolding on the web with a proof available for anyone to test and
discover for themselves.

Terry S said...
